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FOIA Information

From Board of Education Policy 2:250 :

Access to District Public Records

The District’s “public records” are those documents, tapes, photographs, letters, and any other recorded information or material, regardless of physical form or characteristics, that were prepared, used, received, or possessed by, or under the control of, the District, a school, a school official, or an employee. Public records, including email messages, shall be preserved and cataloged, if they: (1) are evidence of the District’s organization, function, policies, procedures, or activities, or (2) contain informational data appropriate for preservation. Public records that are required to be preserved and cataloged may be destroyed when authorized by the Local Records Commission.

The Superintendent or designee shall respond to requests made under the Illinois Freedom of Information Act from anyone desiring to inspect and/or copy a District public record. The Superintendent or designee shall approve the request, unless:

  1. The requested material is: (a) not a “public record” as defined in this policy, (b) exempt from inspection and copying by the Freedom of Information Act or any other State or federal law, or (c) not required to be preserved or cataloged; or
  2. Complying with the request would be unduly burdensome.

When responding to a request for a record containing both exempt and non-exempt material, the Superintendent or designee shall delete exempt material from the record before complying with the request. The Board President or Superintendent shall report to the Board at each regular meeting any Freedom of Information Act requests as well as the status of the response.

The Superintendent shall implement this policy with administrative procedures. The Superintendent will set copy fees periodically.

To submit a FOIA request, or for more information, contact our District FOIA Officer:

Connie Chapman
Phone:  708-780-2110
Fax:  708-780-2111
5801 W. Cermak Road, Cicero, Illinois, 60804