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ARP/ESSER III Information

On March 11, 2021, the American Rescue Plans (ARP) was signed into law.  In it, the U.S. Department of Education is providing an additional $121.9 billion for the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund (ESSER III Fund). Morton District 201 is allotted a total of $23,951,618 in ESSER III (ARP). Of that amount, $19,586,333 was allocated from the Federal funds, of which the grant requires 20% or $3,917,267 be spent to address learning needs.

The remaining allocation is considered state level reservations for learning needs, summer enrichment and after-school activities in amounts of $174,291, $623,612 and $623,612, respectively.

Below is a breakdown of the available funds:

  • Learning Needs (Federal allocation) – $3,917,267
  • Learning Needs (State allocation) – $3,118,061
  • Summer Enrichment (State allocation) – $623,612
  • After-School (State allocation) – $623,612
  • Discretionary (Unallocated balance) – $15,669,066


In-person learning is back for 2021-22 school year.  We were pleased to welcome all students back our schools.  There have been several presentations at our summer Board of Education meetings to describe how we provide the safe return to in-person instruction and continuity of services for all schools.  You may review plans at this link.

These presentations comply with all reporting requirements of the ARP Act (Public Law 117-2), the ESSER III grant terms, conditions, and assurances (CFDA Number 84.425U, and the interim final rule established by the United States Department of Education, 86 FR 21195.

We have provided the public the opportunity to provide input on the development of the plan through link posted on the website in November of 2021. The plan may be amended throughout the grant period, which ends September of 2024.

Our plan outlines efforts to support all students and evolves to support the needs of those whose educational progress has been most negatively affected by the pandemic.

Provide feedback here