Advanced Placement
Advanced Placement at Morton
- 90% of colleges in the U.S. give students credit, advanced placement or both by their AP exam scores.
- 31% of colleges consider a student’s AP experience when making decisions about which students will receive scholarships.
- 85% of colleges look for AP experience which impacts admissions decisions. All state colleges or universities in Illinois will give college credit to any student earning a 3 or better on each AP exam.
In 2016, J. Sterling Morton HSD 201 was named a College Board AP District of the Year for being the national leader among medium-sized school districts in expanding access to AP courses while simultaneously improving AP exam scores. J. Sterling Morton HSD 201 has the highest number of Latino students earning a score of 3 or higher on their AP exams among all suburban high schools. We offer a Pre-AP Summer Academy. We also organize an AP Summer Homework Blog. Grades in AP courses at our schools are weighed (A = 5, B = 4, C = 3), enabling a student to achieve a higher GPA. All J. Sterling Morton HSD 201 AP teachers hold one or more advanced degrees in their content area. The Washington Post has recognized J. Sterling Morton HSD 201 AP schools on the challenge index that ranks schools nationally. All AP Classes at Morton have been vetted by a rigorous College Board audit.
Advanced Placement Exam Schedule
Coming Soon!