Fine Arts
Welcome to Fine Arts
About Fine Arts and Course Offerings
Fine Arts Department Mission
What is the mission of the Morton 201 fine arts department?
The Mission of the Fine Arts Department is to foster creativity in students by providing challenging and engaging experiences that develop and refine student skills, confidence, appreciation and ability to create and perform.
Fine Arts Department Vision
What is the vision of the Morton 201 fine arts department?
The Fine Art Department empowers students to express who they are through the creation of works or performances that demonstrate how they have become confident, collaborative, and innovative thinkers and problem solvers who live creative lives.
- Students are confident in their ability to express themselves through visual artworks and performances
- Students interact in a creative, cooperative and collaborative manner while promoting independent thinking
- Students create and perform culturally relevant works that are relevant to the larger community
- Students experience the inter-connectedness of the Arts
- Students harness technology as an engine of the creative process
- Students learn how art has shaped the fabric of society and influenced world culture
- Through modeling and performing, Fine Arts teachers demonstrate the richness that is a creative life
Commitment Statement
Fine Arts Commitment Statement
What is our commitment in the Morton 201 fine arts department?
We as artists and performers live creative lives. We bring that creative experience to our students by designing classroom experiences that encourage them to:
- Think critically
- Solve problems together
- Engage with our constantly evolving culture
- Develop the skills necessary to express themselves with clarity and confidence
- Students are confident in their ability to express themselves through visual artworks and performances
- Students interact in a creative, cooperative and collaborative manner while promoting independent thinking
- Students create and perform culturally relevant works that are relevant to the larger community
- Students learn to create using multiple mediums in order to demonstrate the inter-connectedness of the Arts
- Students harness technology as an engine of the creative process
- Students learn how art has shaped the fabric of society and influenced world culture
- Through modeling and performing, Fine Arts teachers demonstrate the richness that is a creative life.
Music Courses
Click each course to view its description.
- Beginning Instruments (Morton East Campus Only)
- Beginning Mariachi
- Concert Band
- Concert Choir
- Digital Music
- Guitar 1
- Guitar Ensemble
- Orchestra
- Performance Mariachi
- Piano I
- Symphonic Strings
- Wind Ensemble
Beginning Instruments (Morton East Campus Only)
Beginning Instruments - Morton East Campus Only
Fine Arts Course
Beginning Instruments (Fall)
Course Description
Beginning Instruments is for students for student with no previous experience. The fundamentals of playing a musical instrument and accurate music reading are stressed. Individual attention is given to each student. This class includes different brass, percussion, woodwind and string instruments. Required activities which take places outside of regular school hours may include attendance at all concerts. Some instruments will be available for rental; however, students will need to check with the instructor to reserve the rental instrument. If instruments are not available for rental, students will need to supply their own. Students enrolled in this course will perform in district concerts.
TYPE: Regular
GRADE: 9-12
PREREQUISITE: Audition and/or permission of Band Director.
COREQUISITES: If you take this course, you must also take BEGINNING INSTRUMENTS (East Only) (SPRING)
Offered: Semester Course. (This course may be repeated for credit.)
Beginning Instruments (Spring)
Course Description
Beginning Instruments is for students for student with no previous experience. The fundamentals of playing a musical instrument and accurate music reading are stressed. Individual attention is given to each student. This class includes different brass, percussion, woodwind and string instruments. Required activities which take places outside of regular school hours may include attendance at all concerts. Some instruments will be available for rental; however, students will need to check with the instructor to reserve the rental instrument. If instruments are not available for rental, students will need to supply their own. Students enrolled in this course will perform in district concerts.
TYPE: Regular
GRADE: 9-12
PREREQUISITE: Audition and/or permission of Band Director.
COREQUISITES: If you take this course, you must also take BEGINNING INSTRUMENTS (East Only) (FALL)
Offered: Semester Course. (This course may be repeated for credit.)
Beginning Mariachi
Beginning Mariachi
Fine Arts Course
Beginning Mariachi (Fall)
Course Description
Students will be introduced to Mariachi music. Students will be introduced to a variety of mariachi songs and genres including son jalisciense, corridor, cancion, ranchera, bolera, polka, vals, etc. They learn the basic technique of playing an instrument, vocal technique, and how to properly maintain an instrument. Students will begin to develop the knowledge and skills necessary to perform mariachi music in a variety of genres with technical accuracy and stylistic correctness.
TYPE: Regular
GRADE: 10-12
PREREQUISITE: Audition and/or permission of Band Director.
COREQUISITES: If you take this course, you must also take BEGINNING MARIACHI (SPRING)
Offered: Semester Course. (This course may be repeated for credit.)
Beginning Mariachi (Spring)
Course Description
Students will be introduced to Mariachi music. Students will be introduced to a variety of mariachi songs and genres including son jalisciense, corridor, cancion, ranchera, bolera, polka, vals, etc. They learn the basic technique of playing an instrument, vocal technique, and how to properly maintain an instrument. Students will begin to develop the knowledge and skills necessary to perform mariachi music in a variety of genres with technical accuracy and stylistic correctness.
TYPE: Regular
GRADE: 10-12
PREREQUISITE: Audition and/or permission of Band Director.
COREQUISITES: If you take this course, you must also take BEGINNING MARIACHI (FALL)
Offered: Semester Course. (This course may be repeated for credit.)
Concert Band
Concert Band
Fine Arts Course
Concert Band (Fall)
Course Description
Concert band is open to all students who have successfully completed beginning band or have gained experience form other school bands. Concert band is an introduction to the high school band program. Students in the ensemble will begin to develop the skills needed to participate in other ensembles. Students improve their techniques and musicianship while performing a variety of musical styles. Areas of development will take place in tone production, intonation, rhythmic, proficiency, balance, breathing, sight reading, an music theory All students will participate in Marching Band, Pep Band, concerts and festivals, as well as audition for the IMEA District Band, state solo and ensemble contest, state organization contest, assemblies, early morning or afterschool rehearsals and formal concerts. Private lessons are recommended but not required--and may audition for Jazz Ensemble, Pit Orchestra, and Percussion Ensemble. Attendance at all performances and rehearsals is expected.
TYPE: Regular
GRADE: 9-12
PREREQUISITE: Audition and/or permission of Band Director.
COREQUISITES: If you take this course, you must also take CONCERT BAND (SPRING)
FEES: $12.50
Offered: Semester Course. (This course may be repeated for credit.)
Concert Band (Fall)
Course Description
Concert band is open to all students who have successfully completed beginning band or have gained experience form other school bands. Concert band is an introduction to the high school band program. Students in the ensemble will begin to develop the skills needed to participate in other ensembles. Students improve their techniques and musicianship while performing a variety of musical styles. Areas of development will take place in tone production, intonation, rhythmic, proficiency, balance, breathing, sight reading, an music theory All students will participate in Marching Band, Pep Band, concerts and festivals, as well as audition for the IMEA District Band, state solo and ensemble contest, state organization contest, assemblies, early morning or afterschool rehearsals and formal concerts. Private lessons are recommended but not required--and may audition for Jazz Ensemble, Pit Orchestra, and Percussion Ensemble. Attendance at all performances and rehearsals is expected.
TYPE: Regular
GRADE: 9-12
PREREQUISITE: Audition and/or permission of Band Director.
COREQUISITES: If you take this course, you must also take CONCERT BAND (FALL)
FEES: $12.50
Offered: Semester Course. (This course may be repeated for credit.)
Concert Choir
Concert Choir
Fine Arts Course
Concert Choir (Fall)
Course Description
Concert Choir continues the development of basic vocal skills, music theory and music history taught in Choir. A wide variety of music will be experienced. Attendance and participation choral concerts, community performances, school assemblies are required. Placement in this choir is by audition only
TYPE: Regular
GRADE: 10-12
PREREQUISITE: Placement Audition
COREQUISITES: If you take this course, you must also take CONCERT CHOIR (SPRING)
FEES: $10.00
Offered: Semester Course. (This course may be repeated for credit)
Concert Choir (Spring)
Course Description
Concert Choir continues the development of basic vocal skills, music theory and music history taught in Choir. A wide variety of music will be experienced. Attendance and participation choral concerts, community performances, school assemblies are required. Placement in this choir is by audition only
CREDIT: 0.5 TYPE: Regular
GRADE: 10-12
PREREQUISITE: Placement Audition
COREQUISITES: If you take this course, you must also take CONCERT CHOIR (FALL)
FEES: $10.00
Offered: Semester Course. (This course may be repeated for credit)
Digital Music
Digital Music
Fine Arts Course
Digital Music
Course Description
Semester-long class where students will learn the fundamentals
of producing and recording digital music through the use of
music editing software. Topics include production of beats, tone mixing, soundboard mastery, live room recording, and microphone techniques.
TYPE: Elective
GRADE: 9-12
Offered: Semester Course
Guitar 1
Fine Arts Course
Guitar 1 (Fall)
Course Description
Students will learn the fundamentals of guitar. Students will be given specific instruction to tune a guitar, read music, play melody lines, play chords with various strums, and set cords to music. A variety of music will be explored, including folk, classical, rock, and Latin.
TYPE: Regular
GRADE: 10-12
PREREQUISITE: Audition and/or permission of Band Director.
COREQUISITES: If you take this course, you must also take GUITAR 2 (SPRING)
Offered: Semester Course. This course is for the beginning student who has no prior musical experience.
Guitar 1 (Spring)
Course Description
This is for the intermediate guitar student wishing to learn advanced skills and techniques with include advanced reading of standard notation, tablature, barre chords, and guitar ensemble. A variety of music will be explored, including folk, classical, rock, and Latin.
TYPE: Regular
GRADE: 10-12
PREREQUISITE: Audition and/or permission of Band Director.
COREQUISITES: If you take this course, you must also take GUITAR 2 (FALL)
Offered: Semester Course. This course is for the beginning student who has no prior musical experience.
Guitar Ensemble
Guitar Ensemble
Fine Arts Course
Guitar Ensemble (Fall)
Course Description
Repertoire spans a variety of musical styles and cultures. Students are required to perform in scheduled concerts or other activities for the class. While guitars are provided for this course, personal guitars are recommended for at home practice.
TYPE: Regular
GRADE: 10-12
PREREQUISITE: Audition and/or permission of Band Director.
COREQUISITES: If you take this course, you must also take GUITAR ENSEMBLE (SPRING)
Offered: Semester. (This course may be repeated for credit). Guitar ensemble is a year-long, repeatable course designed for the intermediate and advanced guitarist.
Guitar Ensemble (Spring)
Course Description
Repertoire spans a variety of musical styles and cultures. Students are required to perform in scheduled concerts or other activities for the class. While guitars are provided for this course, personal guitars are recommended for at home practice.
TYPE: Regular
GRADE: 10-12
PREREQUISITE: Audition and/or permission of Band Director.
COREQUISITES: If you take this course, you must also take GUITAR ENSEMBLE (SPRING)
Offered: Semester. (This course may be repeated for credit). Guitar ensemble is a year-long, repeatable course designed for the intermediate and advanced guitarist.
Fine Arts Course
Course Description
In the Morton High School Orchestra course, students will focus on developing technical skills in bowing and left hand facility, as well
as in music literacy and sight-reading. Emphasis is placed on the development of musicianship through progressive technical studies and advanced modern and classical orchestra literature. Musical skills as well as aesthetic critique are assessed each quarter. In orchestra, students will grow in their performance abilities on their individual instruments symphonic string instruments as well as improve their aural skills, musical terminology, and music symbol identification.
TYPE: Regular
GRADE: 9-12
COREQUISITES: If you take this course in the fall, you must also take Orchestra in the spring
Offered: One Year Course.
Performance Mariachi
Performance Mariachi
Fine Arts Course
Performance Mariachi (Fall)
Course Description
Educational opportunities as related to mariachi music will be explored. Students will be able relate aspects of the study of mariachi music to other fields and endeavors. As part of this course, students will learn to perform mariachi songs from various genres including: son jalisciense, corridor, cancion, ranchera, bolera, polka, vals, while refining the skills necessary to perform mariachi music with technical accuracy and stylistic correctness.
Credit: 0.5
Type: Regular
Grade: 11-12
Prerequisites: Beginning Mariachi
Corequisites: If you take this course, you must also take PERFORMANCE MARIACHI (SPRING)
Offered: Semester Course. (This course may be repeated for credit.) Students will develop the skills and attributes necessary for a successful career in mariachi music.
Performance Mariachi (Spring)
Course Description
Educational opportunities as related to mariachi music will be explored. Students will be able relate aspects of the study of mariachi music to other fields and endeavors. As part of this course, students will learn to perform mariachi songs from various genres including: son jalisciense, corridor, cancion, ranchera, bolera, polka, vals, while refining the skills necessary to perform mariachi music with technical accuracy and stylistic correctness.
Credit: 0.5
Type: Regular
Grade: 11-12
Prerequisites: Beginning Mariachi
Corequisites: If you take this course, you must also take PERFORMANCE MARIACHI (FALL)
Offered: Semester Course. (This course may be repeated for credit.) Students will develop the skills and attributes necessary for a successful career in mariachi music.
Piano I
Piano I
Fine Arts Course
Piano I
Course Description
Class Piano is designed for the beginning pianist who has no prior musical experience. Basic note reading, fingering, music theory and piano literature will be taught. This course is taught on an electronic keyboard. Students will learn through group lessons and supervised practice. Students do not need to own a piano since all practice is done in class.
TYPE: Elective
GRADE: 9-12
Offered: One Year Course. If you take this course in the fall, you must also take Piano I in the spring. (This course may be repeated for credit)
Symphonic Strings
Symphonic Strings
Fine Arts Course
Symphonic Strings
Course Description
Symphonic Strings is offered to students with previous string experience. Its purpose is to study and perform standard string and limited full orchestra literature of varying styles. An advanced proficiency level is necessary in order to prepare literature. Periodically there are special events, rehearsals, or concerts during non-school hours. Participation in such activities is an essential extension of the course and will be considered in grading process. Selected members of the Wind ensemble will join Symphonic strings to provide students with a full orchestral experience.
TYPE: Elective
GRADE: 9-12
COREQUISITES: Symphonic Strings
Offered: If you take this course in the fall, you must also take Symphonic Strings in the spring. (This course may be repeated for credit
Wind Ensemble
Wind Ensemble
Fine Arts Course
Wind Ensemble (Fall)
Course Description
This course is designed for advanced players. Repertoire includes marches, overtures and a variety of classical, semi classical, and popular music. All students will participate in Marching Band, Pep Band, concerts and festivals, as well as audition for the IMEA District Band, state solo and ensemble contest, state organization contest, assemblies, early morning or afterschool rehearsals and formal concerts. Private lessons are recommended but not required. Students may also audition for Jazz Ensemble, Pit Orchestra, Percussion Ensemble and Chamber Winds.
TYPE: Regular
GRADE: 9-12
PREREQUISITE: Audition and/or permission of Band Director.
COREQUISITES: If you take this course, you must also take WIND ENSEMBLE (SPRING)
Offered: Semester Course (This course may be repeated for credit.) Wind Ensemble is open through yearly auditions to advanced performers in wind and percussion instruments.
Wind Ensemble (Spring)
Course Description
This course is designed for advanced players. Repertoire includes marches, overtures and a variety of classical, semi classical, and popular music. All students will participate in Marching Band, Pep Band, concerts and festivals, as well as audition for the IMEA District Band, state solo and ensemble contest, state organization contest, assemblies, early morning or afterschool rehearsals and formal concerts. Private lessons are recommended but not required. Students may also audition for Jazz Ensemble, Pit Orchestra, Percussion Ensemble and Chamber Winds.
TYPE: Regular
GRADE: 9-12
PREREQUISITE: Audition and/or permission of Band Director.
COREQUISITES: If you take this course, you must also take WIND ENSEMBLE (FALL)
Offered: Semester Course (This course may be repeated for credit.) Wind Ensemble is open through yearly auditions to advanced performers in wind and percussion instruments.
Theatre Courses
Click each course to view its description.
Introduction to Theatre
Introduction to Theatre
Fine Arts Course
Introduction to Theatre
Course Description
Theatre Arts Performance is an introductory course and may be selected by any student. Students explore elements of drama, through improvisation, theatre games, and scenes from contemporary plays as well as learning how to create the “magic of theatre” from behind the scenes As part of the course, students examine scripts, explore acting techniques, develop character, and experience the dynamics of rehearsal discipline as used in the live and electronic theatre arts. Additionally, students will explore principles of theatrical design and the jobs that are required to produce successful production in all media. Theatre Arts is a “hands on minds on” course offers students the opportunity to act, design, and produce a production from the ground up. There is also opportunity for motivated students to work for outside performing organizations who rent the Morton theatre spaces Students who take this class will understand the full process of creating theatre.
TYPE: Regular
GRADE: 10-12
COREQUISITES: If you take this course, you must also take Introduction to Theatre in the Spring
Offered: One Year Course.
Theatre Arts (Spring)
Course Description
Theatre Arts Performance is an introductory course and may be selected by any student. Students explore elements of drama, through improvisation, theatre games, and scenes from contemporary plays as well as learning how to create the “magic of theatre” from behind the scenes As part of the course, students examine scripts, explore acting techniques, develop character, and experience the dynamics of rehearsal discipline as used in the live and electronic theatre arts. Additionally, students will explore principles of theatrical design and the jobs that are required to produce successful production in all media. Theatre Arts is a “hands on minds on” course offers students the opportunity to act, design, and produce a production from the ground up. There is also opportunity for motivated students to work for outside performing organizations who rent the Morton theatre spaces Students who take this class will understand the full process of creating theatre.
TYPE: Regular
GRADE: 9-12
PREREQUISITE: Introduction to Theatre
COREQUISITES: If you take this course in the fall, you must also take Introduction to Theatre in the spring.
Offered: One Year Course.
Theatre Arts Intermediate
Theatre Arts Intermediate
Fine Arts Course
Theatre Arts Intermediate (Fall)
Course Description
This is an advanced and in-depth, multi leveled study of skills and techniques introduced in previous classes. Students will concentrate on performance acting in relationship to character development, monologues and advanced dramatic presentations. Other activities include group and individual oral interpretations of literature, mime and storytelling in non-traditional forms. Less emphasis on technical production will occur to afford the serious theatre student the opportunity to develop performance skills.
TYPE: Regular
GRADE: 10-12
COREQUISITES: If you take this course, you must also take THEATRE ARTS INTERMEDIATE (SPRING)
Offered: Semester Course.
Theatre Arts Intermediate (Spring)
Course Description
This is an advanced and in-depth, multi leveled study of skills and techniques introduced in previous classes. Students will concentrate on performance acting in relationship to character development, monologues and advanced dramatic presentations. Other activities include group and individual oral interpretations of literature, mime and storytelling in non-traditional forms. Less emphasis on technical production will occur to afford the serious theatre student the opportunity to develop performance skills.
TYPE: Regular
GRADE: 10-12
COREQUISITES: If you take this course, you must also take THEATRE ARTS INTERMEDIATE (FALL)
Offered: Semester Course.
Theatre Arts Studio
Theatre Arts Studio
Fine Arts Course
Theatre Arts Studio (Fall)
Course Description
Theatre Arts Studio is production oriented. In this course are engaged in the production process of a full length play. Students practice those skills necessary for creating and producing a large scale production. As directors, designers, business managers, dramaturges, stage managers, and technician, the students will cover all aspects of production for live and electronic media. As they gain the practical experience of scheduling and coordinating the efforts of the group, these students experience what it is like to turn a concept into reality performance.
CREDIT: 0.5 TYPE: Regular GRADE: 11-12
PREREQUISITE: One year of Theatre Arts
COREQUISITES: If you take this course, you must also take THEATRE ARTS STUDIO (SPRING)
Offered: Semester Course. (This course may be repeated for credit.)
Theatre Arts Studio (Fall)
Course Description
Theatre Arts Studio is production oriented. In this course are engaged in the production process of a full length play. Students practice those skills necessary for creating and producing a large scale production. As directors, designers, business managers, dramaturges, stage managers, and technician, the students will cover all aspects of production for live and electronic media. As they gain the practical experience of scheduling and coordinating the efforts of the group, these students experience what it is like to turn a concept into reality performance.
CREDIT: 0.5 TYPE: Regular GRADE: 11-12
PREREQUISITE: One year of Theatre Arts
COREQUISITES: If you take this course, you must also take THEATRE ARTS STUDIO (FALL)
Offered: Semester Course. (This course may be repeated for credit.)
Theatre Productions
Visual Arts
Visual Arts Courses
Click each course to view its description.
- AP 2D Art and Design
- AP Drawing
- Design
- Digital Photography
- Drawing and Printmaking I
- Drawing and Printmaking II
- Painting I
- Painting II
- Sculpture I
- Sculpture II
AP 2D Art and Design
AP 2D Art and Design
Fine Arts Course
AP 2D Art and Design
Course Description
This is an Honors Point Course. This course is for students who
have a strong interest in art. Students will complete a portfolio that meets prescribed requirements of the Advanced Placement Program of the College Board. The portfolio consists of three sections that demonstrate Quality or Work, Breadth of Work and a Concentration that investigates a visual interest that is unique to each student. Photo Studio emphasizes the use of Adobe Creative Suite Four and Digital photography to explore the emerging field of digital art. Students will push the limits of their creativity as they explore the full potential of CS4 to develop digital art. Photo Studio is a project- based curriculum that develops career and communication skills in digital photography, print production and graphic design. Students will use Adobe tools and technical skills as well as different format cameras, studio lighting situations, and in-depth studies design. Students will continue to develop their own style and prepare a portfolio which will be submitted for AP Studio Art 2D Design credit and can be used for college applications. A digital SLR 35mm camera with a light meter is required. Students are responsible for obtaining necessary supplies.
TYPE: Honors
GRADE: 11-12
PREREQUISITE: One sequential credit in art or teacher recommendation
COREQUISITES: AP 2D Art and Design
Offered: One Year Course. If you take this course in the fall, you must also take AP 2D Art and Design in the spring. (May be repeated for credit)
AP Drawing
AP Drawing
Fine Arts Course
AP Drawing
Course Description
This course is for students who have a strong interest in art. Students will complete a portfolio that meets the prescribed requirements set by the Advanced Placement Program of the College Board. The portfolio consists of three sections that will demonstrate the Quality or Work, Breadth of Work and a Concentration that investigates a visual interest that is unique to each student. Students can be scheduled with a teacher during an advanced class and will involve independent coaching by faculty. Students are responsible for obtaining necessary supplies
TYPE: Honors
GRADE: 11-12
PREREQUISITE: One sequential credit in art or teacher recommendation
Offered: One Year Course. If you take this course in the fall, you must also take AP Drawing in the spring. (This course may be repeated for credit)
Fine Arts Course
Course Description
Design students will use a variety of media and materials to explore color, positive-negative reversals, symmetry and other elements of design. Both 2D and 3D experiences will be provided. This course
is designed for students who are considering careers in commercial art, advertising, interior design, product design, architecture, etc. Students are responsible for obtaining necessary supplies.
TYPE: Regular
GRADE: 9-12
Offered: Semester Course.
Digital Photography
Digital Photography
Fine Arts Course
Digital Photography
Course Description
This course provides students with experiences related to the photography field. Planned experiences give students a clear and concise introduction to the following: safety and housekeeping of a photo studio, photography as a visual and communicative discipline, and an introduction to the photo industry. Students will explore the basic concepts of photography from early pinhole cameras to today’s all digital systems. Emphasis will be on the production of images using digital cameras, Adobe Photoshop will be used to students the process of creating a completed photographic image, Elements of art, principles of design, and creative approaches to picture-taking will be stressed in order to prepare students for the demands of the photographic industry. Students will conduct shop operation, camera work, digitally processing pictures, printing photographic images as well as learning about the use and selection of cameras, film, lenses, filters and other accessories. Students must have their own point and shoot digital camera. Various commercial cameras and accessories will be available for students to use. Students are responsible for obtaining necessary supplies.
TYPE: Regular
GRADE: 10-12
COREQUISITES: Digital Photography
Offered: One Year Course. If you take this course in the fall, you must also take Digital Photography in the spring.
Drawing and Printmaking I
Drawing and Printmaking I
Fine Arts Course
Drawing and Printmaking I
Course Description
Introductory course where students will be introduced to drawing and art basics such as the elements of art and principles of design. The semester will focus on four major themes as overarching concepts while working on basics skills such as line, shading, creating 3D forms and portraiture. Development of vocabulary and basic skills are refined to set up for the level two class. A sketchbook is required. Students are responsible for obtaining any necessary supplies that are not provided in class.
TYPE: Regular
GRADE: 9-12
COREQUISITES: Drawing and Printmaking I
Offered: Semester Course.
Drawing and Printmaking II
Drawing and Printmaking II
Fine Arts Course
Drawing and Printmaking II
Course Description
Students will be encouraged to develop drawing style using large formats, sophisticated imagery, and expression in their work. Use of drawing materials and techniques are strengthened and refined. Serious students will develop a portfolio for employment, college entrance or AP credit. A sketch book is required. Students are responsible for obtaining necessary supplies
TYPE: Regular
GRADE: 9-12
PREREQUISITE: Drawing and Printmaking I
COREQUISITE: Drawing and Printmaking II
Offered: Semester Course.
Painting I
Painting I
Fine Arts Course
Painting I
Course Description
Using a variety of media and techniques (water color, acrylic, etc.), students will study many past and present styles of painting. Basic drawing, painting and compositional techniques will be emphasized to help students find their individual styles. Students are responsible for obtaining necessary supplies.
TYPE: Regular
GRADE: 9-12
Offered: Semester Course.
Painting II
Painting II
Fine Arts Course
Painting II
Course Description
Using a variety of media and techniques (water color, acrylic, etc.), students will study many past and present styles of painting. Basic drawing, painting and compositional techniques will be emphasized to help students find their individual styles. Students are responsible for obtaining necessary supplies.
TYPE: Regular
Offered: Semester Course.
Sculpture I
Sculpture I
Fine Arts Course
Sculpture I
Course Description
This course will provide a hands-on approach to the exploration of three-dimensional form in traditional and nontraditional materials such as clay, paper, plaster, cardboard, wire, and found objects. Students will be introduced to the basic concepts of sculpture, including the visual vocabulary used in creating and critiquing artwork. Students will study form, volume, and space relationships through the exploration of decorative, utilitarian, and conceptual approaches to sculpture. This class uses both historical and contemporary models as a catalyst for projects and discussions. Assignment focus on creativity, expression of ideas, comprehension of tools and techniques.
TYPE: Regular
GRADE: 9-12
Offered: Semester Course.
Sculpture II
Sculpture II
Fine Arts Course
Sculpture II
Course Description
This course will provide students with the opportunity to further explore the concepts of three-dimensional art as well as build on the foundation they have already established. They will develop a deeper understanding of the elements and principles of art through research and examination of new and interesting ways to create 3-D art. Students will continue to create sculptures using various material and methods. Creative play, material experimentation and contemporary practices are encouraged. Students will evaluate and critique their own, as well as other artist’s work.
TYPE: Regular
GRADE: 9-12
Offered: Semester Course.
Video Courses
Click each course to view its description.
Video Techniques
Video Techniques
Fine Arts Course
Video Techniques (Fall)
Course Description
This course is designed to foster an awareness and understanding of technologies used to communicate in our modern society. Students will cover the basic elements of video production including script writing, story boarding and editing. Visual elements and writing skills will be explored. Video projects may include commercials, news, featured stories, on-line editing and engineering. Students may be involved in school activities such as closed circuit television, promotional videos, daily announcements, etc. Final Cut Studio Pro as well as Adobe CS4 is used in this course. Students are responsible for obtaining necessary supplies.
TYPE: Regular
GRADE: 10-12
COREQUISITES: If you take this course, you must also take VIDEO TECHNIQUES (SPRING)
Offered: Semester Course
Video Techniques (Spring)
Course Description
This course is designed to foster an awareness and understanding of technologies used to communicate in our modern society. Students will cover the basic elements of video production including script writing, story boarding and editing. Visual elements and writing skills will be explored. Video projects may include commercials, news, featured stories, on-line editing and engineering. Students may be involved in school activities such as closed circuit television, promotional videos, daily announcements, etc. Final Cut Studio Pro as well as Adobe CS4 is used in this course. Students are responsible for obtaining necessary supplies.
TYPE: Regular
GRADE: 10-12
COREQUISITES: If you take this course, you must also take VIDEO TECHNIQUES (FALL)
Offered: Semester Course
Video Studio
Video Studio
Fine Arts Course
Video Studio (Fall)
Course Description
This studio is designed for the more advanced students and will provide a full production studio experience. Students will master all equipment functions. School and community projects will also be emphasized. Advanced students will become involved in interdisciplinary projects as designed by faculty and students. Students are responsible for obtaining necessary supplies.
TYPE: Regular
GRADE: 11-12
PREREQUISITE: Video Production or Teacher Recommendation.
COREQUISITES: If you take this course, you must also take VIDEO STUDIO (SPRING)
Offered: Semester Course. (This course may be repeated for credit.)
Video Studio (Spring)
Course Description
This studio is designed for the more advanced students and will provide a full production studio experience. Students will master all equipment functions. School and community projects will also be emphasized. Advanced students will become involved in interdisciplinary projects as designed by faculty and students. Students are responsible for obtaining necessary supplies.
CREDIT: 0.5 TYPE: Regular GRADE: 11-12
PREREQUISITE: Video Production or Teacher Recommendation.
COREQUISITES: If you take this course, you must also take VIDEO STUDIO (FALL)
Offered: Semester Course. (This course may be repeated for credit.)
Video Production
Video Production
Fine Arts Course
Video Production (Fall)
Course Description
This course focuses more on studio work, on-line editing, digital editing and engineering as well as the audio mixing and dubbing techniques that are used to enhance video editing. Students will gain a deep knowledge and understanding of the use of digital editing software. Final Cut Studio Pro as well as Adobe CS4 will be utilized in production. Emphasis is given to production and technical processes, applications and impact of video Students will be more involved in school and community video projects. Students are responsible for obtaining necessary supplies.
TYPE: Regular
GRADE: 11-12
PREREQUISITE: Video Techniques
COREQUISITES: If you take this course, you must also take VIDEO PRODUCTION (SPRING)
Offered: Semester Course
Video Production (Spring)
Course Description
This course focuses more on studio work, on-line editing, digital editing and engineering as well as the audio mixing and dubbing techniques that are used to enhance video editing. Students will gain a deep knowledge and understanding of the use of digital editing software. Final Cut Studio Pro as well as Adobe CS4 will be utilized in production. Emphasis is given to production and technical processes, applications and impact of video Students will be more involved in school and community video projects. Students are responsible for obtaining necessary supplies.
TYPE: Regular
GRADE: 11-12
PREREQUISITE: Video Techniques
COREQUISITES: If you take this course, you must also take VIDEO PRODUCTION (FALL)
Offered: Semester Course