Welcome to Tapestry at Morton!
The West40 TAPESTRY program provides general education students with an opportunity to achieve academic success. Using a family-centered approach, TAPESTRY Student Advocates meet students and their families where they are and walk further with them to increase positive engagement in school. Program benefits include one-to-one mentoring, social-emotional support, goal setting, and linking families to school/community resources.
Matthew Coe
Director of Tapestry and Seniors Plus Credit Recovery
Phone: 708-990-9408
Email: mcoe@jsmorton.org
Miriam Cruz
Tapestry Site Coordinator (Morton Freshman Center and Morton East)
Email: mcruz@jsmorton.org
Candice Reynolds
Site Coordinator (Morton Freshman Academy and Morton West High School)
Email: creynolds@jsmorton.org
Meet the Staff
Tapestry Staff Contact Information |
Name | |
Matthew Coe
Director of Tapestry
mcoe@jsmorton.org |
Miriam Cruz
Site Coordinator
mcruz@jsmorton.org |
Candice Reynolds
Site Coordinator
Alexis White | awhite@jsmorton.org |
Angel Ramos | aramos@jsmorton.org |
Brucal Green | bgreen@jsmorton.org |
Carlos Guillen | cguillen1@jsmorton.org |
Lieda Hernandez | lhernandez1@jsmorton.org |
Naszir Richard | nrichard@jsmorton.org |
Shakinah Gunn | sgunn@jsmorton.org |
Thalia Santiago | tsantiago@jsmorton.org |
Veronica Gutierrez | vgutierrez@jsmorton.org |